Dnes je den práv žen. Tento den by měl být den boje proti patriarchátu. V patriarchátu, Ženy nejsou lidské bytosti, Ale otroci, tj. mluvící nástroje. Dokonce i dnes, Ženy nemají plné politické, ekonomická práva. Ve starověkých Aténách, otroci neměli právo být zvolen, because any sexual abused person was dirty, she or he was not able to take care of a community, if she or he was not able to take care of her or his body. And slavery was often associated to sexual abuse.
A woman’s fate is still sexual abuse. A woman can’t be admirable for her deeds, her ideas, her talents, but her ability to serve men, especially men of power. Womanhood is still associated to ”femininity”, TJ., patriarchal submission. A woman is more valuable if she has children than if she has crucial scientific, artistic or political contributions for most people. Because women are still women, slaves. Real power is still related to birth, not merits. It still belongs to men.
If there is a force that can change this situation, this force is female solidarity, feminismus, which would dismantle patriarchy.