Freud erfand den Mythos des Penis -Neides. Tatsächlich, Dieser „Neid“ ist für die männliche Rolle in einer patriarchalischen Gesellschaft. Und es gibt keinen Neid, Aber nur der Wunsch, andere Rollen zu spielen, außer der einer unterwürfigen Person ohne persönliche Ziele, Keine wirklichen Entscheidungen, Keine Träume, no social achievements than serving a man and his offspring.
But the case may be exactly the opposite. Tatsächlich, there is clitoris envy, not penis envy. The female organ of pleasure deserved to be envied, not the penis. And the Ancient people seemed to know it. Sexual mutilation, the excision of the clitoris, a patriarchal practice in many a culture, is a proof. The extraordinary capacity to have sex and enjoy pleasure was noticed by the Ancient Greeks.
There are more reasons to envy a clitoris, which offers a lot of sexual rewards in almost any conditions, independent of the visual stimuli. That’s why so few women suffer from sexual problems, I mean sexual problems which can result in a criminal record. They don’t need any strong stimulus in order to get aroused or to orgasm. They can satisfy themselves any time without any dirty, horrible or degrading image. Did you hear about women who get aroused when watching an arson or some hard porn?
All women need is sexual freedom. Not even a partner… Unfortunately, in patriarchy, most women are not free and sexually active. Waiting for sexual pleasure from a man is just patriarchal. Men are not the masters of women’s pleasure. They hardly can satisfy themselves.