Heterosexuelle Beziehungen im Patriarchat

Heterosexuelle Beziehungen im Patriarchat sind für Frauen giftig. Wenn sie in eine solche Beziehung eintreten wollen, Frauen müssen ihren patriarchalischen Wert beweisen, D.h., Das Talent, unterwürfig zu sein. Wenn sie ihre Beziehungen behalten wollen, Sie müssen weiter unterwürfig sein, gefälscht, Sie müssen ihre Träume aufgeben, Würde, und Streben nach Glück. Such relationships are only for a little material and social security, not for happiness. Because women have no real access to resources, they are exploited. This shows what women are in patriarchy: slaves. Only slaves live for survival.

Society is not interested in women happiness and well-being. If so, such relationships would have been forbidden and women would have been protected against them by law. Now, in quarantine and isolation, women are in a bigger danger at home than in the open. Because domestic violence kills more women than this virus. But women safety doesn’t matter. Maybe domestic violence should be named “patriarchal violence”. Women are beaten and killed because they express themselves, they tell what they don’t like, because they don’t behave like slaves. A woman who doesn’t play her part as an object may be killed.