Tag: 家父長制
A little thought about beauty in patriarchy
If a woman wants to be sexy to a man, to make him fall in love with her, she should instil into him the feeling of control and predictability over her behaviour. She may be nonconformist and have daring ideas, but all this audacity should look familiar to him, she may be nonconformist in the way […]
A little thought about feminist currents
What happens when other feminist currents, not radical feminism, influence laws: there are women teachers in prison for having sex with their high school students, there are women condemned for sexual harassment. Why? Because these laws don’t take into account patriarchy and the biological differences between women and men. Sex with an underage person is […]
Virtual lovers in China – just extending reality
There is a new trend in China regarding relationships. Young people, especially women, pay for a virtual romance, with messages and others. Some young and educated men make some extra money as virtual lovers. Is it weird? No, such an old and sophisticated culture, like the Chinese one, can produce genial business. This is an […]
Scientific ideas in 7000 years
“7000 years” is written by an academic who wants to counteract the patriarchal “science” which in already in the mainstream culture. In fact, bio-sociology, a new patriarchal religion written on “scientific” keys, like eugenics or racist science, but also the Freudian mythology, a while ago, was intensely criticised in the ’70s. But now, although some […]
Honor killings and patriarchy
In patriarchal societies, women are a valuable merchandise (maybe the most valuable). They are raised by a family in order to be sold to another. And if a woman breaks this deal by falling in love with a man (or woman) and going with this person, she cancels an important contract between families the society […]
Necrophilia, patriarchy and BDSM
アンドレア・dworkin, in “Woman hating”, treats the subject of necrophilia as an important trait of patriarchal sexual fantasies. Vivid women are not sexy, they are annoying, boring, stressful. A woman should shut up and listen or shut up and become a sexual object. Dworkin makes an analysis of some fairy tales and comes to the […]
The patriarchal deal
This is what patriarchy sells to women: protection. Women do anything, but men are very important, because they defend them. The fear against other men keep men in families, in fact keep women working for them. What we see in the movie below happens in Asia, not only in Africa and other cultures. This picture […]