O nouă teorie feministă a culturii

Este surprinzător cum femeile pot crede prostiile psihologiei evoluționiste și prostiile marelui misogin pe nume Charles Darwin.. Conform ideilor lui Darwin, oamenii au creat cultura, chiar și limba și muzica pentru a fi atractive pentru femei, care i-a ales pe cel mai bun dintre ei. Miturile create de acești misogini reflectă viziunea lor, nu natura. In animals, females are more creative. In apes, females invent things, including fishing ants. They learn faster. Female rodents learn faster. Females are more creative and intelligent. But they don’t need to display it in order to reproduce. Because any animal society is created around females. Men with no sexual value, like Darwin, invented the myth of sexual selection based on male talents. Females want physical, sexual attractiveness in males. Because such scholars are not attractive and sexually interesting, they invented this stupid myth. De fapt, patriarchy is to blame, because women are not free to choose. Women were and are very creative, intelligent etc., but patriarchy suppressed their works (there are a lot of documents supporting it) in order to keep the patriarchal order. Men have access to resources, they share resources, and women are the most important resource. If women don’t realize it, thing will not change. Culture were and is created by women for women because they need it for survival and then, in humans, for higher psychological rewards. Men take advantage from a female invention.