Вопросы и ответы к вебинару «Кампания за права женщин» (WHRC), Август 14, 2021, Иоана Петра, автор «7000 лет патриархата»… до радикальной эры»

1. Please, can you give us an overview of the situation regarding “gender identity” ideology in Romania? And is there much awareness of this amongst the general public? (3-4 mins) 2. What is radical feminism, and why is it virtually unknown in Romania? (2-3 mins) 3. Can you tell us about your book, “7000 years […]

клитор зависть

Freud invented the myth of the penis envy. In fact, that “envy” is for the male role in a patriarchal society. And there is no envy, but just the desire of playing other roles except the one of a submissive individual with no personal goals, no real choices, no dreams, no social achievements than serving […]

Триумф иррациональности и женоненавистничества

Men use to say how irrational women are, and rationality is related to the male genius. Women only feel, but most of the time they feel wrong. But an entire history of patriarchy shows that men are extraordinary at inventing myths and perverting the truth. The lies told by them are hard to believe, but […]

Тест на союзницу-феминистку

A good article, written by a feminist psychologist, inspired me for this little post. If a man says he is an ally for the women’s cause, he should answer this question: Do you accept a woman to be the most powerful person in the world? Politically, I mean. The richest one? Do you accept that […]

Гетеросексуальные отношения в патриархате

Heterosexual relationships in patriarchy are toxic for women. If they want to enter such a relationship, women have to prove their patriarchal value, i.e., the talent of being submissive. If they want to keep their relationships, they have to keep being submissive, fake, they have to give up their dreams, dignity, and pursuit of happiness. […]

The myths of patriarchy

Along the history of patriarchy, a lot of myths were created in order to explain the inferior position of women in society, including the sexual restrictions. The Bible and the Greek legends are such examples. Only the modern age, with its “sciences” like Freudian psychoanalysis and socio-biology (эволюционная психология) dares to claim that this is […]

Covid-19 and patriarchy

For the women here: what is worse, Covid-19 or patriarchy? I think Covid-19 gives you chances. Patriarchy kills more women directly (domestic violence, forced birth, septic abortions when abortions are banned) and alternates their lives more than the isolation or quarantine. Living in patriarchy is like a perpetual fight with an unseen enemy which is […]

The 8 of March

Today is the day of women rights. This day should be the day of the fight against patriarchy. In patriarchy, women are not human beings, but slaves, i.e. talking tools. Even today, women have not full political, economic rights. In the Ancient Athens, slaves had no right to be elected, because any sexual abused person […]