I am just wondering… I created this blog in order to advertise for my radical feminist novel I started to write a few years ago. Unfortunately, I am very busy, I didn’t write too much, although the structure of this novel, all the important ideas, even some chapters are already written.
My blog is not very successful, most likely because it’s written in Romanian, and there are few radical feminists eager to read it. I am wondering if a radical feminist book based on my posts of my blog would be interesting for radical feminists worldwide. Just wondering, because the novel is still a viable project. I need a vacation for it. But a радикальная феминистская книга, based on my analyses, is simple to edit. But before it, I just want to know if it is worth doing if feminists really want to read such thing. I think these posts are very daring, very radical.
I need your opinion, please!