In patriarchal societies, women are a valuable merchandise (maybe the most valuable). They are raised by a family in order to be sold to another. And if a woman breaks this deal by falling in love with a man (or woman) and going with this person, she cancels an important contract between families the society […]
月: 六月 2018
Necrophilia, patriarchy and BDSM
Andrea Dworkin, in “Woman hating”, treats the subject of necrophilia as an important trait of patriarchal sexual fantasies. Vivid women are not sexy, they are annoying, boring, stressful. A woman should shut up and listen or shut up and become a sexual object. Dworkin makes an analysis of some fairy tales and comes to the […]
The patriarchal deal
This is what patriarchy sells to women: protection. Women do anything, but men are very important, because they defend them. The fear against other men keep men in families, in fact keep women working for them. What we see in the movie below happens in Asia, not only in Africa and other cultures. This picture […]
A new feminist theory of culture
It is surprising how women can believe the nonsenses of evolutionary psychology and the nonsenses of the great misogynist named Charles Darwin. According to Darwin’s ideas, men created culture, even language and music in order to be attractive to women, who chose the best of them. The myths created by these misogynists reflects their vision, not nature. […]