Celebration of patriarchal relationships

Today, patriarchal relationships, based on buying and corrupting women with gifts, are celebrated. We need to celebrate free relationships, based on real female choice and pleasure. Have we such a feast? 不. We need such a day for celebrating female free initiation and choice in relationships. We have to celebrate lesbianism. But if free, equal, […]

Women and feminism

I will never understand why most women can’t understand feminism. They don’t understand the roots of their oppression: 父权制. They deny it when feminists show it. They don’t react to misogyny, they are afraid of feminism and feminists and show sympathy to classical, obviously misogynist authors. They even talk the so-called “badly understood” feminism. Opinion?

Testimony when promoting the book

I learned during the last 48 hours more about society than during the last few years. Words are more important than a real message. And if the message is complex, it implies deep thinking, it doesn’t matter. Words are like spells, as the Ancient people said. A long analysis is for academia or for very […]


我知道, 激进的女权主义是关于拆除父权制的. 自由女权主义指出,法律可以改变妇女的状况. 我想知道一本书是否试图理解父权制的起源 (历史条件, 是什么加强了它等。), 男性在动物和人类中的统治地位, 哪个试图找到解决问题的解决方案 […]


Lesbianism is morality, sincerity, courage. Women who made the choice of becoming lesbians when they were very young showed strength, dignity, courage and intelligence. We all should make the difference between the people with real moral strength and the others. The most important values are universal. Conditions may be harsh, but some people overcome the […]


一个问题: 您是否考虑过一本书,试图警告女孩和年轻女性有关HET关系的危险 (至少在父权制), 激进的女权主义者? 我们必须考虑到至少在某些关心中, 性取向, 特别是在女性中, 可能是一个选择. 你认为保存吗 […]