Different kinds of intolerance

I started to feel on my white, privileged skin how discrimination for admiring lesbians and lesbianism looks like: my status about the morality and sincerity of choosing to be a lesbian in patriarchy scared some women in a feminist group, they accused me of sexism and homophobia. Then, when I posted the same on an atheist […]

Commitment in patriarchy

Men need time in order to commit to a relationship with a woman. Maybe that time, often years, reflects how much time a man needs in order to consider a woman – a human being. During that time, he discovers and accepts, in a hard and reversible process, a woman’s humanity. Women don’t need so much […]

A little thought about feminist currents

What happens when other feminist currents, not radical feminism, influence laws: there are women teachers in prison for having sex with their high school students, there are women condemned for sexual harassment. 为什么? Because these laws don’t take into account patriarchy and the biological differences between women and men. Sex with an underage person is […]

科学思想 7000 年

“ 7000年”是由一个学者撰写的,他想抵消父权制的“科学”,这已经在主流文化中. 实际上, 生物社会学, 一种写在“科学”钥匙的新的父权制宗教, 像优生学或种族主义科学, 但也是弗洛伊德神话, 不久前, 在70年代受到严厉批评. 但是现在, 虽然有些 […]

目录“ 7000年”

这些是“ 7000年”的章节和子章节. 也许位置已更改, 但不是此版本的内容. 序言父权制历史和现在的性别与. 父权制人类悲剧女权主义的性浪漫关系 – 新观点参考