I am just wondering… I created this blog in order to advertise for my radical feminist novel I started to write a few years ago. Unfortunately, I am very busy, I didn’t write too much, although the structure of this novel, all the important ideas, even some chapters are already written. My blog is not very successful, […]
网络研讨会妇女人权运动的问题和答案 (WHRC), 八月 14, 2021, Ioana Petra, 作者“ 7000年的父权制… 直到激进时代”
1. Please, can you give us an overview of the situation regarding “gender identity” ideology in Romania? And is there much awareness of this amongst the general public? (3-4 mins) 2. 什么是激进的女权主义, and why is it virtually…
Freud invented the myth of the penis envy. 实际上, that “envy” is for the male role in a patriarchal society. And there is no envy, but just the desire of playing other roles except the one of a submissive…
Men use to say how irrational women are, and rationality is related to the male genius. Women only feel, but most of the time they feel wrong. But an entire history of patriarchy shows that men are extraordinary at inventing…
A good article, written by a feminist psychologist, inspired me for this little post. If a man says he is an ally for the women’s cause, he should answer this question: Do you accept a woman to be the most…
Heterosexual relationships in patriarchy are toxic for women. If they want to enter such a relationship, women have to prove their patriarchal value, i.e., the talent of being submissive. If they want to keep their relationships, they have to keep…
Covid-19 and a world led by women
I just imagine a world led by women confronting with this pandemic. Women have nothing to prove when they are free. They need no demonstration of force in order to be validated. They afford to be very rational, cold, and…
The myths of patriarchy
Along the history of patriarchy, a lot of myths were created in order to explain the inferior position of women in society, including the sexual restrictions. The Bible and the Greek legends are such examples. Only the modern age, with…
Covid-19 and patriarchy
For the women here: what is worse, Covid-19 or patriarchy? I think Covid-19 gives you chances. Patriarchy kills more women directly (domestic violence, forced birth, septic abortions when abortions are banned) and alternates their lives more than the isolation or…
The 8 of March
Today is the day of women rights. This day should be the day of the fight against patriarchy. In patriarchy, women are not human beings, but slaves, i.e. talking tools. Even today, women have not full political, economic rights. In…
Banning feminism
The word “feminist” in any post or book review can be banned. I can’t publish feminist book review or promote my feminist book or site on some groups.
Celebration of patriarchal relationships
Today, patriarchal relationships, based on buying and corrupting women with gifts, are celebrated. We need to celebrate free relationships, based on real female choice and pleasure. Have we such a feast? 不. We need such a day for celebrating female…
Feminism and intelligence
I think an intelligence test for women would be based on the understanding of feminism. I admit ignorance, lack of culture, indoctrination, but not denying when it is explained to you.
Women and feminism
I will never understand why most women can’t understand feminism. They don’t understand the roots of their oppression: 父权制. They deny it when feminists show it. They don’t react to misogyny, they are afraid of feminism and feminists and show…
New theory of human (social) evolution
Radical feminism takes into account some Marxist analyses, especially about the class system. But radical feminism, which has to fight against patriarchy, needs a new theory of the evolution of human society, which has to be female centered.
Testimony when promoting the book
I learned during the last 48 hours more about society than during the last few years. Words are more important than a real message. And if the message is complex, it implies deep thinking, it doesn’t matter. Words are like…
我知道, 激进的女权主义是关于拆除父权制的. 自由女权主义指出,法律可以改变妇女的状况. 我想知道一本书是否试图理解父权制的起源 (历史条件, 是什么加强了它等。), male…
Lesbianism is morality, sincerity, courage. Women who made the choice of becoming lesbians when they were very young showed strength, dignity, courage and intelligence. We all should make the difference between the people with real moral strength and the others.…
什么是激进的女权主义? 这是一种女权主义者,指出拆除父权制是妇女解放的唯一解决方案. 不是特定的法律, 他们还不够. 为了拆除父权制, 我们必须知道它是什么. When…
一个问题: 您是否考虑过一本书,试图警告女孩和年轻女性有关HET关系的危险 (至少在父权制), 激进的女权主义者? We have to take into account that at least in some…
您是否相信有“白人救主”之类的东西? 这个怪异的概念被用来人, 特别是年轻的妇女, 谁想从其他人群中拯救人们 (和文化?). Because there is no biological “race”…
Different kinds of intolerance
I started to feel on my white, privileged skin how discrimination for admiring lesbians and lesbianism looks like: my status about the morality and sincerity of choosing to be a lesbian in patriarchy scared some women in a feminist group, they…
对“ 7000年”的反应有所考虑
我从没想过发生了什么事: 一个来自前共产主义国家的人, 没有表达自由的地方, 只有审查制度和禁忌, 解释说她不是种族主义者或分类主义者, just because some way of…
试图促进“ 7000年”的发现. “女权主义者”偏见
人们不想找出真相, 正如我发现的. 什么是父权制? 为什么可能? 它支持什么? 哪种机制导致其可持续性? 我们如何销毁它?不, this doesn’t matter…
Commitment in patriarchy
Men need time in order to commit to a relationship with a woman. Maybe that time, often years, reflects how much time a man needs in order to consider a woman – a human being. During that time, he discovers and…
A thought about equality in patriarchy
Equality in this society for women 🙂 What a joke! There are still people who think a woman should choose between family/personal life and career, but achievements in his career makes a man sexually and romantically more successful. That’s because…
A little thought about beauty in patriarchy
If a woman wants to be sexy to a man, to make him fall in love with her, she should instil into him the feeling of control and predictability over her behaviour. She may be nonconformist and have daring ideas, but…
A little thought about feminist currents
What happens when other feminist currents, not radical feminism, influence laws: there are women teachers in prison for having sex with their high school students, there are women condemned for sexual harassment. 为什么? Because these laws don’t take into account…
中国的虚拟爱好者 – 只是扩展现实
关于关系,中国有一个新趋势. 年轻人, 尤其是女性, 支付虚拟浪漫, 带有消息和其他人. 一些年轻和受过教育的男人赚了一些额外的钱作为虚拟爱好者. 这很奇怪? 不, such an…
科学思想 7000 年
“ 7000年”是由一个学者撰写的,他想抵消父权制的“科学”,这已经在主流文化中. 实际上, 生物社会学, 一种写在“科学”钥匙的新的父权制宗教, 像优生学或种族主义科学, but also the…
目录“ 7000年”
这些是“ 7000年”的章节和子章节. 也许位置已更改, 但不是此版本的内容. 序言父权制历史和现在的性别与. 父权制人类悲剧女权主义的性浪漫关系 – 新观点参考
References for “Human and animal behavior” in “7000 years”
Because some readers of “7000 years” asked me for the references concerning the animal and human behavior I mentioned in this book, I’ve selected from the references sections the most important of them. 实际上, the ideas and data in…
Patriarchal words and translations
There are much more examples like that. The patriarchal vision on women, their actions, oriented the translations from old languages. Even Virgin Mary was a young woman, not a virgin. But patriarchy likes virginity in women. In Islam there are…
Honor killings and patriarchy
In patriarchal societies, women are a valuable merchandise (maybe the most valuable). They are raised by a family in order to be sold to another. And if a woman breaks this deal by falling in love with a man (or…
Necrophilia, patriarchy and BDSM
Andrea Dworkin, in “Woman hating”, treats the subject of necrophilia as an important trait of patriarchal sexual fantasies. Vivid women are not sexy, they are annoying, boring, stressful. A woman should shut up and listen or shut up and become…
The patriarchal deal
This is what patriarchy sells to women: protection. Women do anything, but men are very important, because they defend them. The fear against other men keep men in families, in fact keep women working for them. What we see in…
A new feminist theory of culture
It is surprising how women can believe the nonsenses of evolutionary psychology and the nonsenses of the great misogynist named Charles Darwin. According to Darwin’s ideas, men created culture, even language and music in order to be attractive to women, who chose…
What is worse: marriage or prostitution?
Radical feminism and the 2nd wave feminism consider prostitution and pornography (prostitution registered on film, tape or paper) crimes against women. In patriarchy, female sexuality is recommended as submissive, and women have to be submissive all the time, and their sexuality is simply a romantic…
Patriarchy through the curious, sincere, and intelligent eyes of a former Muslim woman
Contrary to the western legends, Mohammed, the prophet, was a genius, not a mentally disabled man, I think. The western propaganda, many people believe in, says he was illiterate, retarded, with speech problems. He may have been illiterate, with speech…
A white woman as a savior of all women
We are living pretty weird times. We allegedly are crossing the feminism of the third wave, but apparently, it’s a wave that does nothing but washing the other ones. Everything seems to fall apart, to be deconstructed until being demolished or distorted, in the best case. On the other hand, some leftists and the cultural relativism dilute any clear message. Sometimes things really are black and white, no shades of gray. Sometimes you have…
Why human rights are not enough? Why do we need feminism?
There are people, especially males, who claim the concept of human rights is enough in order to protect women’s rights. If we apply these rights, women will be OK. Beating, rapping discriminating at the workplace, street harassment is against human…
I am just wondering… I created this blog in order to advertise for my radical feminist novel I started to write a few years ago. Unfortunately, I am very busy, I didn’t write too much, although the structure of this novel, all…