中国的虚拟爱好者 – 只是扩展现实

关于关系,中国有一个新趋势. 年轻人, 尤其是女性, 支付虚拟浪漫, 带有消息和其他人. 一些年轻和受过教育的男人赚了一些额外的钱作为虚拟爱好者. 这很奇怪? 不, 如此古老而精致的文化, 像中国人, 可以生产友善的业务. This is an example of a genial business and cultural product.

It is nothing weird about this business. 实际上, it is as sincere as possible. Men are paid in patriarchy. The institution of dawry, maybe a cultural relique of the matrilineal societies, is a proof. Men are paid in order to behave otherwise than violent toward women. It is like a protection tax. Women pay protection taxes all the time. If men simply buy women, like in some hard patriarchal societies (e.g. Muslim), women have no right, no power, no pretentions. But if women pay, men can reward them some way, by not insulting, exploiting, beating them as hard as they can. Women in prostitution, poor, vulnerable, racialised women, who are not protected by money or other men’s power, can tell how men really are and what they really want to do to women.

I think, women should know that. If they want a good behaviour from men, they should pay. There is the hypothetical chance of love, but this is so rare, its possibility is negligible. But only money and some social support (for women) can make patriarchal men treat women like human beings. This is not a guarantee, because women can be cheated, they have no justice for themselves, but…without it… And if a woman wants a romantic behaviour, definitely she must pay for it. This is what women want, but not what men want. They want slaves, sex slaves, they want to humiliate women, to feel great, powerful when humiliate them. This is what any woman in prostitution tells us.

In patriarchy, men are paid anyway. They are the aristocracy with natural, inborn privileges. They are paid for their penises and their violent potential. Paternity, the right of a sperm donor to mark his children with his name and rank, is a kind of penis tax. He is paid for making sex, for procreating. 实际上, he is paid for his potential violence, which is the essence of patriarchy, build around the violence threat. A woman, most of the time, is forced to trade her freedom, mental autonomy, sexual pleasure for a virtual safety. She is forced to choose to be raped, beaten, exploited by only one man instead of many of them. This is the patriarchal happiness. How can a woman dream of romance in this situation? By having enough money to buy it. Or hire it. Chinese women are just realists.