Month: December 2019

Virtual lovers in China- just extending reality

There is a new trend in China regarding relationships. Young people, especially women, pay for a virtual romance, with messages and others. Some young and educated men make some extra money as virtual lovers. Is is weird? No, such an old and sophisticated culture, like the Chinese one, can produce genial business. This is an example of a genial business and cultural product.

It is nothing weird about this business. In fact it is as sincere as possible. Men are paid in patriarchy. the institution of dawry, maybe a cultural relique of the matrilineal societies, is a proof. Men are paid in order to behave otherwise than violent toward women. It is like a protection tax. Women pay protextion taxes all the time. If men simply buy women, like in some hard patriarchal societis (e.g Muslim), women have no right, no power, no pretentions. But if women pay, men can reward them someway, by not insulting, exploiting, beating them as hard as they can. Women in prostitution, poor, vulnerable, racialised women, who are not protected by money or other men’s power, can tell how men really are and what they really want to do to women.

I think, women should know that. If they want a good behaviour from men, they should pay. There is the hypothetical chance of love, but this is so rare, its possibility is negligible. But only money and some social support (for women) can make patriarchal men treat women like human beings. This is not a guarantee, because women can be cheated, they have no justice for themselves, but…without it… And if a woman wants a romantic hehaviour, definitly she must pay for it. This is what women want, but not what men want. They want slaves, sex slaves, they want to humiliate women, to feel great, powerful when humiliate them. This is what any woman in prostitution tells us.

In patriarchy, men are paid anyway. They are the aristocracy with natural, inborn privileges. They are paid for their penises and their violent potential. Paternity, the right of a sperm donor to mark his children with his name and rank, is a kind of a penis tax. He is paid for making sex, for procreating. In fact he is paid for his potential violence, which is the essence of patriarchy, build around the violence threat. A woman, most of the time, is forced to trade her freedom, mental autonomy, sexual pleasure for a virtual safety. She is forced to choose to be raped, beaten, exploited by only one man instead of many of them. This is the patriarchal happiness. How can a woman dream of romance in this situation? By having enough money to buy it. Or hire it. Chinese women are just realists.

Scientific ideas in 7000 years

“7000 years” is written by an academic who wants to counteract the patriarchal “science” which in already in the mainstream culture. In fact, biosociology, a new patriarchal religion written on “scientific” keys, like eugenics or racist science, but also the Freudian mythology, a while ago, was intensely criticised in the “70s. But now, although some theses are controversial and contested in the scientific world, the resistence against it from the public opinion is almost absent. Men and women are getting coping with this nonsense which harms women so much. The message sent by this Nazi “science” is that women don’t want something else than patriarchy and patriarcahl men, it is in their genes, as men want female slave, which is also in their genes. In this respect, the hand (and the brain) of a radical feminist scientist is highly needed. And fortunately, this species, although very frail, is not extinct.

Bellow there are a few new scientific ideas, which have to be published elsewhere, but they are present in “7000 years”.

What is patriarchy and why does it exist?

“But in the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and bonobo (Pan paniscus), the females are strangers in the group. Until recently it wasn’t known why males bring female chimpanzees into the group. Very likely they do this to improve their social position, I proposed. No matter how a female’s social status is, it grows when she is in heat and a friendship between a male and a female with a lower status offers him protection. Probably the signs of fecundity have disappeared for this reason (for example in humans). But who makes primatology studies and puts females first? In social animals, females want a higher status and they would have benefits if they look in heat all the time. Another cause would be the low energy (probably in humans but also in solitary species, like the orangutan). The signs of fecundity are energophagous. “

In chimpanzees and other apes, females are afraid of males, who often make demonstrations of strength. But they are strangers in the group, isolated from their families. The idea is that females can be mastered only if they are isolated, and then bonobo females unite against the males although they are strangers in the group. They also solve problems through sex. Perhaps this is the reason sex is so prohibited in patriarchal societies so that women can’t have any agency. Female sexuality is considered something disgusting, miserable, something that causes repulsion to men. Women’s agency, mother’s agency, destroys patriarchy. Not by accident the female matriarchal idols were transformed into monsters when the patriarchy was established.

An interview with Heide Gotner-Abendroth, the founder of the study of matriarchal (matrilineal) societies, who made most of the studies on Mosuo in the southwest of China. Women, tells something about the organization of these societies. Mothers have the dominant social role there. The families are formed around mothers who are passing their status and fortune to their daughters. Men live in their mother’s house. Children are educated by the mother’s clan, the father figure is the figure of the uncle (the mother’s brother). The father is known, but he doesn’t count too much socially. These societies are more peaceful. More, it’s very possible that the germs of democracy could exist there, at least from some points of view. It was believed that democracy would be a democracy of the fist, which came from military democracy, meaning crowds of men armed who wanted equal rights between them. The balance of treats would have led to democracy, to the vote. But matriarchal societies are negotiating the conflicts all the time, they have a big ability to attenuate them and the social, human qualities are very well outlined. Should we believe that everything good in society came from there? Zoon politikon would be in fact matriarchal. Philosophy, the general inclination to understand the human nature could also come from there? But let’s not forget these societies are small, people know each other, for these reasons the abuses would be fewer. This besides the fact that the strength and aggression, but also the virility associated with them, would not be considered values there. In patriarchal societies, the solution to women’s fear of men is the association with a socially powerful man who offers them protection against other men.

Table of contents “7000 years”

These are the chapters and subchapters of “7000 years“. Maybe the location is changed, but not the content for this edition.

  • Preface

  • Patriarchy-history and present

  • What is patriarchy and why does it exist?
  • Patriarchy through the curious, sincere, and intelligent eyes of a former Muslim woman
  • To deny patriarchy means to deny history
  • The Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh – or vice versa
  • Patriarchy is even where we don’t see it
  • The last phase of patriarchy – men’s paradise
  • Gender vs. sex

  • Lesbians – the real women
  • What it means to be a man
  • Men are to blame for all the evil in the world
  • The true face of homosexuality and heterosexuality
  • About female (and male) transsexuality in patriarchy
  • A new trap of the gender – neutral means male
  • Romantic relationships in patriarchy-human tragedies

  • Lies about our life – the family
  • Therese Desqueyroux or the crime of the marriage of a smart woman
  • What is worse: marriage or prostitution?
  • What happens when a woman says what she thinks
  • Women’s complaints
  • The failure of romantic relationships – patriarchy is to blame
  • Does romantic love exist or is it a patriarchal construct?
  • Are there any heterosexual romantic feminist relationships?
  • Valentine’s day and the princess’s dream
  • Feminism- new perspectives

  • A critical view on feminist achievements on the 8h of March
  • Why human rights are not enough? Why do we need feminism
  • About women and feminism – obstacles made by ourselves
  • Women’s liberalism, how much does it help?
  • History of feminism seen differently, how can we change the world?
  • The psychoanalysis, feminist critics
  • A guide to feminist politeness. General principles
  • A white woman as a savior of all women
  • Solutions and strategies for eliminating patriarchy
  • The radical feminist academy
  • References

Updated: December 9, 2019 — 7:06 pm
7000 years © 2019-2022

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